BRICS Young Scientists Forum
A country with a major percentage of youth has the capability to change not only its own, but the fate of the entire world.
-Shri Narendra Modi, Hon’ble Prime Minister of India
India called for developing an innovative mechanism to engage, network and connect BRICS youth, during the 6th BRICS Summit in Fortaleza, Brazil in July 2014. Subsequently, the proposal of the creation of a BRICS Young Scientists Forum (YSF) was endorsed by the BRICS Science, Technology and Innovation Ministers in Brasilia, in March 2015.
The aim of YSF is to popularize science, exchange best practices and knowledge amongst the youth of BRICS countries. It gives a positive impetus to networking so as to promote future joint scientific efforts amongst the youth of the BRICS countries.
The 1st BRICS YSF was held in Bengaluru, India in 2016, under the thematic topics of Computational Intelligence, Energy Solutions and Affordable Healthcare. In 2016, India also initiated BRICS-Young Innovator Prize aimed at recognizing and rewarding the best innovation projects which represent technological innovation and a potential contribution to the science and technology sector for the benefit of the BRICS countries. The winner is awarded a cash prize of USD 25,000. China hosted the 2nd BRICS YSF in 2017, wherein the young scientists focused on the topics of energy, biotechnology, biomedicine and science and communication.
At the 3rd BRICS YSF 2018, held at Durban, South Africa, the young scientists discussed various topics of interests such as energy, ICT and Water under the theme of ‘Building BRICS Youth Leadership through Science, Technology and Innovation’.
At the 4th BRICS YSF 2019, also known as Brasilia Conclave, the young scientists gathered to discuss cooperation in the field of science under the theme ‘Fostering BRICS long term Science, Technology and Innovation Cooperation through the Partnership among Academies of Science and Young Scientists’.
The 5th BRICS YSF was organized online in September 2020 by Russia. The young scientists discussed BRICS Partnership of Young Scientists and Innovators for the Progress of Science and Innovative growth.